City of Richmond Business Payment Portal Now Open!

Hello FABA Members,

The City of Richmond’s Department of Finance Revenue Division is pleased to announce a new RVA Business Portal. The new online portal will provide an easy access point for immediate filing and invoice generation for Business Personal Property (BPP) and Business, Professional, and Occupational Licenses (BPOL). This self-reporting portal allows for:  

  • Immediate invoice production and payment processing in one seamless process and location.  
  • No more manual form preparation, mailing or delivery to City Hall.  
  • No more waiting for processing or invoice production.  

All forms are available now at for your completion. To create your account, you will need your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and your Account Number. Check your mail! Account numbers will be sent to your mailing address on file for your convenience. Submission forms will pre-populate with account data for customer verification. After the initial filing, your business data will be housed in the online portal for ease of future submissions. 

Staff are available to assist with form submission questions in-person and web-conferencing by appointment or via RVA 311 support requests as needed. Should an in-person or web-conference appointment be your preference, those can be scheduled online at

The City of Richmond’s Department of Finance looks forward to serving your business needs and thanks you in advance for your cooperation as we transition our processes to a digital world.   

For additional questions, please contact RVA 311 at 3-1-1, (804) 646-7000, or on the web at